Eremito: Il primo hotel di lusso per viaggiatori solitari – Intervista a Marcello Murzilli

Chi ha seguito i miei corsi di formazione si ricorderà sicuramente che tra i vari esempi di strutture ricettive con una forte USP (Unique Selling Proposition) cito sempre l’Eremito – Hotelito de l’Alma, una struttura ricettiva molto particolare, ricavata all’interno di un antico eremo nella campagna umbra.

L’Eremito è considerato il primo luxury hotel al mondo dedicato ai viaggiatori solitari ed è molto interessante comprendere la filosofia alla base di questo progetto assolutamente innovativo e fuori dagli schemi tradizionali. Senza TV, senza connessione WiFi e con una scarsa copertura della rete cellulare, l’hotel abbraccia a pieno la cultura del “digital detox”.

Ho avuto modo di intervistare il proprietario Marcello Murzilli, ideatore e gestore dell’Eremito. Marcello è nato in una modesta e numerosa famiglia, seppe apprezzare il successo che arrivò inaspettato negli anni ’80 quando, poco più che ventenne, fondò El Charro che nell’epoca dei “paninari” divenne in pochissimo tempo marchio leader nel settore della pelletteria e un’autorità nel campo delle tendenze.

Gustatevi l’intervista! 🙂

Eremito Marcello Murzilli


Armando: How did you come to such an unique hotel idea?
Marcello: After sailing around the word, creating the jungle resort in Mexico, I though it was a time for this new project.

A: Whom do you want to address with your hotel idea?
M: From my research I think Eremito is the first luxury hotel in the world for….solo travellers

A: Why did you choose Umbria? Why is this place so special?
M: A place for solo travellers in a kind of Contemporary Hermitage.
Umbria is the perfect match, as it is the birthplace of San Benedetto, the monk who built the first monastery in Europe.

A: You talk about the “new luxury of the Third Millenium”. What does it mean?
M: It means that the new luxury can be Ecology, Technology, Spirituality.

A: Your guests arrive from a totally different world of hustle and bustle, stress and noise, they are totally energized. And suddenly they are in the calmness, tranquility and seclusion of the Eremito Hotel. I guess they are probably totally overwhelmed in the beginning? How long does it take until they have acclimatized and they start to leave their “hustle and bustle” habits behind? How do you help them to calm down and relax?
M: Normally the people that decide from a speedy life to come to a Eremito, take 3 days to pass from a traffic jam, stress, work, city problems…to relax and start to feel peace…the healing power of nature and the silence allows this to happen.



A: Eremito Hotelito del Alma is one of the first “Digital Detox” hotels in Italy. How do the guest getting detoxed digitally?
M: We don‘t have wifi, televisons, and thre very limited cell phone coverage… there is no option to be continually connected. The detox happens naturally and is supported by the 3000 hectares of forest. Also, surprise. surprise , people actually start to talk with each other 🙂

A: Eremito rooms are pretty much like monk’s cells and maintain as close as possible the core and the feeling of the ancient monasteries. How are the rooms equipped and why do they present a luxury of the essential?
M: My past life in fashion designer maybe helped me to put detail in the smallest and simplest hotel room in Europe.



A: Your life was pretty adventurous so far: You sailed around the world in a re-conditioned 1937 scottish cutter. And you ran Hotelito Desconocido on the Mexican Pacific coast for 14 years – one of the top five Eco resorts in the world. What did challenge you to come to Italy?
M: To build the first Contemporary monastery…for solo travellers…not bad!

A: What keeps your inner equilibrium, if you have a lot of stress?
M: I am not psycologist, doctor or guru but what I see is that most people– if they stay a few days in the healing power of nature– disconnected from the chaos of city life and overstimulation of the digital world—will naturally begin to come back into balance.

A: Do you have a special morning ritual or something like that?
M: We have a chapel in the tower for some reading and meditation, followed by light yoga and…walk, walk, walk in the woods….the best medicine!



A: When or where do you feel totally free and happy?
M: If you have some daily discipline, nature, joy and good food and.. red wine, you are nearly arrived 🙂

A: What other places on this planet do inspire you?
M: The real Monastery, where I can live for a while, with the Monk and from them and his tradition and rules, take the inspiration for the Monastery of Third Millenium…for regular people. 🙂



A: What do you appreciate most with your guests?
M: 99% of our guest in this 2 years opening was all nice and good mood…maybe if you come to Eremito, you prepare your self to be in harmony.



A: What does a hotel need to offer so that you as a guest feel comfortable?
M: I made a“ box“ with beauty, music and harmony in the middle of nowhere, each one take what he need!

A: If you could shape the world to your ideas, how would it look like?
M: Behave as you would like the world was… (Ghandi)

A:What will be your next project? Any plans?
M:…I just finish Eremito after 4 years of work…no project just relax 🙂


Grazie Marcello per la tua disponibilità ed il tempo che ci hai dedicato.



Armando Travaglini

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